
Our content creators create the nicest videos, tiktoks and articles. This content is created by students who give you a glimpse into their lives as students. The video creators are Juan Bouzas, Martine de Wolf, Luna Koekkoek and Elize Greidanus. Besides the videomakers, we also have Tiktokkers: Luna Koekkoek, Leonie Kleefman, Merle Kooij, Ilse de Roo, Bo Bennen, Martine de Wolf, Juan Bouzas and Elize Greidanus. So what are you waiting for, quickly visit our Tiktok page for additional content! The most fun and interesting articles about Groningen and student life are created by our writers: Lucas Boerwinkel, Marije Pronk, Stuti Verma and Elize Greidanus. Enjoy reading and watching!

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