Alternatives for when you do not like clubs & pubs

11 April 2024

Just because you are a student does nog automatically mean that you enjoy the typical "student activities", such as going clubbing or drinking at pubs. And that is completely okay! Not everybody has to be the going out type. In this article you will find lovely alternatives to a night out in town.

1. Dinner parties or a potluck
Who says you can only host a beautiful dinner party when it’s a holiday? Dinner parties can be so much fun to attend and enjoyable to host, whether it is your birthday, Christmas or just a regular Friday night. We have all seen those beautiful Pinterest pictures of decorated tables with colourful candle sticks, flowers and delicious dishes. That could be you! Dinner parties do not have to be fancy, you can also get takeout or organize a potluck. That way you do not have to cook for that many people. If everyone makes a wonderful dish, there will be plenty of food to go around. And let’s be real, it can be so much fun to conversate over a beautifully set
table and wonderful food.

2. Board games night
Whether you do this with one friend or an entire friend group, it is so much fun to gather around and play different games. There is an endless amount of enjoyable board and card games that are not just for children. Often, we associate playing games with drinking games, but the games can definitely become the central part of the evening. Get some snacks and drinks and you will be having great fun all night long.

3. Creativity craft evenings
Another great alternative is to organize creative evenings with your friends. One night you might make mood boards or collages together, another evening is a sip & paint situation and then another time you might try to make jewellery. There is an endless amount of fun, crafty activities you and your friends could try out, whether you are creative or not! It has actually been proven to be very good for your mental health to be working with your hands and trying a new creative hobby.

4. Try out a new activity
Just because you do not like going to clubs or pubs, doesn’t mean you should avoid the city all together. There are plenty of places and activities that can be very enjoyable outside of the comfort of your home. Ask your friends if they would like to try new activities with you, like bowling, pooling, a pottery café, a music class or
perhaps going to the theatre. There are many other activities you and your friends could experience in the wonderful night life of Groningen.

5. Movie night
This one will always be a classic. Hosting fun movie nights with friends never gets old. Whip out the popcorn, snacks and drinks, comfortable blankets and perhaps even pyjamas. Watching a movie together with your friends is not only “gezellig”, but also a relaxed way to unwind from your week. If you want to make it more lively, you could always make it a themed movie night. Pick a theme and dress up! You could even decorate the house accordingly.

6. Live performances
If you do not like the “party” scene, but do love to dance or enjoy music, then what are you waiting for? Groningen has multiple concert venues and places where they host live music. From jam sessions to music classes to festivals and more. There are endless possibilities when it comes to experiencing some live music in this city.

7. Trying out restaurants
There are an incredible number of restaurants in Groningen to try out. It seems that every month there is something new to visit. Dedicate your time and money to trying out different restaurants in the city and share great meals with your friends. It will make up for some lovely, yet delicious memories.

Whatever you want to try out instead of going to the clubs, remember that it should always be something YOU enjoy. Groningen has many wonderful things to offer, but ultimately you are the creator of your weekend plans. So, drop the FOMO and start doing what you want to!
