How to be more organized with schoolwork
- Author
- Stuti ·
- Date
- 12 December 2023
Being assigned a bunch of work in the beginning of the block can feel a bit overwhelming, but your life can be much easier with just a little bit of planning ahead and staying on top of things. All you need are some tips on ways to be more organized.

1. Make a list of all deadlines
The most stressful thing as a student is forgetting about a deadline and having to do a rush job at your assignment to submit it on time. To avoid this, it can be very helpful to go through the syllabi of all the courses you’re enrolled in at the beginning of the semester and make a list of the deadlines for each assignment you have to submit within the next few months. You can add these to your calendar or make a written list, whatever suits you, but having them all written down in one place can avoid unnecessary stress at the last moment. This can also let you check if you have a particularly busy week of deadlines coming up and prepare for it beforehand.
2. Keep a Productivity Tracker
We all have our own versions of a to-do list, whether written or mental, but another handy tool to help you be more organized is the opposite of a to-do list - a daily or weekly tracker of all the work you do. Sometimes you may spend an entire day studying at the library but still feel like you didn't do much work. But writing down all the tasks you completed everyday or every week can give you a better idea of your progress and what you need to focus on. Keeping a track of all the work you did can also make you feel more accomplished and motivated. Of course, some days will be more productive than others and that’s okay! You don’t have to finish everything in one day, take your time and give yourself a break whenever you need it.
3. Make use of office hours
Your professors will inform you of the time and day they hold office hours which can be a great tool to stay updated about things. Professors can give you feedback on your progress and clear any confusion you might have about the coursework or schedule. Apart from that, you can also set up meetings with your study advisor if you have practical questions about your programme or need information about faculty events and resources. Different faculty members have different ways of approaching them, so check if they accept walk-ins or if you need to schedule a meeting with them beforehand.
4. Ask the librarian
Don't be afraid to bring your questions about where to find sources for your assignments to the librarian! They can guide you in the right direction and share a lot of tips to find what you're looking for and how to be more efficient in your research. Also, if you have your eye on a specific book for an assignment, check if you need to request it from the library and do it as soon as possible before it's checked out again.
5. It's all about balance
As important as it is to work hard, you need to take some days off to relax your mind and enjoy life a little. Try to plan something fun every weekend with your friends and if you're feeling burnt out, just get cozy in bed and binge watch your favourite show for a day. If you have been working on one assignment for a long time and feeling stuck, it's also good to take a break from it for a while and come back with a fresh mind. Overall, remember that you don't have to spend every single day studying and need to make time for fun things in your schedule.
These are just some tips to be more organized but you can definitely change them to fit you. Remember to not pressure yourself too much and take everything one step at a time!