Picnic spots in groningen

8 May 2024

Spring has sprung, summer is on its way and we all just want to be outside. The trees and flowers are in bloom, the birds are singing and a pleasantly warm breeze is in the air. A great way to enjoy all of that is by having a picnic. Whether you spend all day in the grass by yourself with a good book or bring dinner outside with your roommates, a picnic is easy and fun. Not surprisingly, public parks like Noorderplantsoen and Stadspark can be extremely crowded on warm days. Here’s a list of alternative picnic spots you might want to consider that aren’t so busy.

Picknick with friends


First of the picniclist in Groningen: Nieuwe Kerk! Most people are familiar with Akerk or Martinikerk, but did you know there’s another beautiful church in the city? It’s located right in between the buzz of Boterdiep and Nieuwe Boteringestraat. The building itself is not only a stunning sight: it’s surrounded by a little park, with plenty of space to throw down a blanket. Usually it’s very peaceful and quiet, so it’s the perfect place to relax. It’s really as idyllic as it sounds.



The singel might not pop up in your mind immediately when you think of having a picnic, but it’s actually a pretty nice place. The streets bordering the old city centre, Heresingel, Radesingel, Ubbo Emmiussingel and Praediniussingel offer long stretching lawns to sit and relax on as you watch people and traffic go by. There are lots of trees for shade and you’re practically in the city centre, so supermarkets are nearby. This is the perfect place for a quick picnic, for example if you have some time to spare before a meeting or just came off school or work.


Martinikerkhof is a hidden gem not so hidden for most Groningers, meaning that most people are aware of it. It’s somewhat like a large courtyard behind Martinichurch, surrounded by classically Dutch houses that date centuries back and of course the Martinitower itself. You might not think of it as a nice place to picnic, simply because it’s so easy to pass by it and forget about. So let this be your reminder! It’s a beautiful, usually quiet spot right in the heart of city.

Martinikerkhof en Martinikerk


Groningen has lots of tiny courtyards called ‘hofjes’. You’ll have to pay close attention to spot one, because the entrances are usually right in between two houses, in ordinary streets. The most well-known one is Prinsentuin, which is more like a rose garden, but especially the smaller hofjes offer some nice lawns. Typografengasthuis is perhaps one of the quietest of these picnic-proof courtyards, located opposite the UMCG. It’s super cozy, with tiny Dutch houses that make you feel like you’re in a romantic film.


Van Brakelplein is in fact just a square, but it offers a big pond surrounded by lawns and old trees on all sides. You can sit at the water and dip your feet in it, or enjoy the shade of one of the weeping willows at the water’s edge. Van Brakelplein is close to Paterswoldseweg, not too far from the station. It’s a bit further away from the crowded city centre, but that might be just what you’re looking for!


Botanical Gardens

Finally, I want to mention the Botanical Gardens. This is going to be more of a day trip, since the Gardens are located in Haren. You can easily get there from the station, which will take you only about twenty minutes by bus or bike. Here, you can walk around for hours. The gardens stretch quite far and there’s a lot to see, such as a Chinese garden with authentic architecture and even a small waterfall, a Celtic garden and lots of foresty spots and meadows. You can of course order a cup of tea at the restaurant, but imagine having a picnic somewhere in this land of green. The feel is quite different from any ordinary park.


Still feel like going to a public park? Apart from Noorderplantsoen and Stadspark there are some other options you might want to consider for some more peace and quiet, such as Oosterpark, Pioenpark or Sterrebos. Wherever you decide to go, an entire summer of picnics in Groningen awaits you!
