
As the other sections have already shown, you’ll be a busy bee in Groningen: student organizations, committees, friends, social nights, there is an abundance of activities to attend. However, there is no better place to clear your mind than in the gym. Luckily, there’s just the place to go: your student card is also the pathway to cheap sports. At the ACLO, the student sports organization of the RUG and Hanze UAS, you can practice a variety of sports, from wakeboarding to martial arts to ping pong.


The ACLO is the largest facility for student sports in the Netherlands, so you’re sure to experience the best facilities and the widest variety of sports while in Groningen. It’s the cheapest way to workout, and to catch up with the 19.000 other students that attend the ACLO. Sporting is also a social event; in courses you’ll meet the same people every week, while free hours give you the chance to mix and mingle with even more new faces.

The ACLO has two locations, one at Zernike (where the Hanze University of Applied Sciences and partof the RUG is located), and the other one next to the central station. So, no excuse not to sign up!

There are also numerous other (free) facilities to demonstrate your athletic abilities, for example at the municipal free sporting areas.

You can also become a member of one of the many sports associations in Groningen!

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