Groninger Studenten Toneel


The Groninger Studenten Toneel has not always been a student organization. In the summer of 2003, they were founded as a foundation by six students from the University of Groningen and Hanze University Groningen. These students felt that something was missing within cultural Groningen. Nowhere was there an independent organization where students could create theater in a professional manner. In Groningen, although there are subgroups of student associations involved in theater, they are not open to all students, only members. So this gap in cultural Groningen had to be filled, to this end the GST was founded.

During the time as a foundation, a close-knit group of students developed who regularly met up next to the productions to have a drink and a, yes ladies and gentlemen, good game of werewolf. Not surprisingly, the 14th foundation board decided it was time to change the foundation to an association and so it happened in 2017. Since then, they still regularly go out for an evening of werewolves, but also have a legion of other activities planned, including theater classes.

In a few years, Het Groninger Studenten Toneel has grown from no members, to an association with nearly 200 members. With the help of the committees, there is something to do every week at GST!

Curious about GST? Take a quick look at their website.